HKIAA 香港國際飛行協會

Hong Kong International Aviation Association.

About us

A Flying Start

HKIAA is delighted to announce the launch of its 2016 Student Pilot Training Programme.

The scheme is provided at an affordable price to local students aged between 13 and 18, including group applications from secondary schools.

Participants will undergo intensive flight simulator training, followed by further instruction with real aircraft in New Zealand. Successful students will receive the prestigious “First Solo/Supervisor Solo” from the Civil Aviation Authority.

Hong Kong based carriers currently recruit only 10% of their pilots locally. Airlines incur substantial training costs, so they look for candidates who demonstrate a strong passion for flying from a young age. Our city suffers from a lack of affordable flight training, making it difficult for youngsters to gain tangible experience. The Programme will address this shortfall and allow local students to compete for cadetships on par with foreign candidates.

With such a steep barrier of entry to the industry, Hong Kong’s youth feel it’s a daunting task with limited chances of success. The Programme will boost their confidence and allow students to accomplish what they thought was impossible. Participants can also receive their “First Solo/Supervisor Solo” with flying colours in a groundbreaking five hours (down from fifteen) by using a special locally developed flight simulator.

Founder Simon Wong has 19 years’ aviation experience and served with the

Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps. During his distinguished career he was invited by the University of Hong Kong to conduct pre-pilot training workshops. In addition Mr Wong was a flight simulator instructor for a joint programme between Cathay Pacific and the Community College of City University. The HKIAA is the culmination of his efforts to promote careers in aviation.

Although the HKIAA receives some government funding, additional public financial support is needed to make the Programme a reality. Hong Kong is home to a wealth of hidden aviation talent, but without your help it will remain untapped. Let’s support the next generation of Hong Kong pilots.

Interested students, schools, and donors may contact us for more information.





由於入行門檻高,對香港青年而言,當機師只是個遙不可及的夢,本計劃正正讓年青人成就自己認為不可能的事,從而增強自信。參加者在本土設計的模擬駕駛艙練習,在突破性的短短5 – 6小時(本需15小時)內便能以優異的成績考獲「首次單獨飛行證書」,成功感油然而生。




HKIAA 香港國際飛行協會

HKIAA 香港國際飛行協會